marți, 29 noiembrie 2011

Before you walk into my life

You need to know something about me. You need to know that I'm a very insecure person , I have a very low self esteem , I'm not perfect . I am a everything but perfect. I find it hard to trust people now. I've made mistakes in the past , and I've learned to live with them. I've learned to accept people for who they really are , it's not hard. Sometimes , I can't be bothered anymore . Sometimes I don't even want to be alive , but , the things is  I have a million reasons to be alive and I just haven't found them yet. I miss the people that I shouldn't event think about anymore. I've liked , I've loved , I've been hurt . I have hurt people . I'm not perfect . But hey , this is me. And before you walk into my life , you need to know these things. Because , if you walk into my life , you can't walk out of my life when things are getting hard. Just like all the other people did.

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